
Air an 22a dhen t-Sultain, thàinig sinn còmhla a-rithist aig An Lòchran airson spòrs a ghabhail còmhla, le bhith a’ cluich gheamaichean-bùird eadar-dhealaichte sa Ghàidhlig!

’S e Ciste Ulaidh na h-Alba (coltach ri Trivial Pursuit) fear de na geamaichean a chluich sinn. A dh’aindeoin na h-oidhirp a b’ fheàrr againn, bha e fàilligeadh oirnn a-rithist crìoch a chur air a’ gheama mhallaichte seo 😁😁 Mar sin, ’s ann sgòr co-ionnann a chuir sinn air cèill aig deireadh na h-oidhche, air sgàth ’s gun robh trì de na còig litrichean (C.I.S.T.E) aig a h-uile sgioba.

Bhuin geamaichean eile mar Ludo (neo: Mensch, ärger dich nicht! sa Ghearmailtis), Guess Who?, Pop to the Shop, agus - gu follaiseach - Jenga 🧱 dhan tachartas cuideachd. Is math a rinn sinn uile gu lèir, oir nochd 14 daoine airson pàirt a ghabhail anns an tachartas. Reacord ùr a tha sin! 🏆

Le taing do dh’Ilse a chuir an oidhche air dòigh agus don a h-uile duine eile a thug taic seachad. Mar a chanas iad sa chànan eile: Bring on the next one!


On September 22nd, we got together again at An Lòchran hub to have fun together playing different board games in Gaelic!

Ciste Ulaidh na h-Alba (kinda like Trivial Pursuit) was one game we played. Despite our best efforts, we failed yet again to finish this damn game 😁😁 Thus we declared a draw at the end of the night, since every team had 3 of the 5 letters (C.I.S.T.E).

Other games that found their way into the event were Ludo (or Mensch, ärger dich nicht! as the Germans call it), Guess Who?, Pop to the Shop, and - of course - Jenga 🧱 All in all we did well, as 14 people came to take part in the proceedings. A new record! 🏆

With thanks to Ilse who set the event up, and to everyone else who helped out. Bring on the next one!